What Is Manuka Honey and Why Is It Special?

 Ayurvedic Assessment Your initial assessment with Flotrol Review Ayurvedic practitioner may take an hour or even more. The practitioner will examine your condition by asking detailed questions on your lifestyle, health and diet. Then, he will examine 12 different pulse points on your body. Your tongue, lips, nails, skin and eyes are also examined. The appearance of your tongue shows the areas of your body that are probably out of balance.Once the practitioner has completed the assessment, he will determine your metabolic types or it is called as doshas. Commonly, one dosha is predominant and may be imbalanced. This is usually caused by unhealthy habits and poor diets.

What are doshas? Ayurveda believes that everything consists of five elements namely water, fire, air, space and earth. These five elements then combine to form three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha.Vata dosha is the combination of space and air. This energy controls movement such as heartbeat, breathing and blinking. Persons with vata dosha are quick-thinking and susceptible to dry skin, anxiety and constipation. When vata is in balance, it results in vitality and creativity. On the other hand, it will result in fear and anxiety when it is out of balance.

Pitta dosha is the combination of water and fire. It controls your body's metabolic system such as absorption, digestion and nutrition. Persons with pitta dosha usually have oily skin and fiery personality; they also susceptible to inflammation, arthritis and heart disease. An in balance pitta results in intelligence and when it is out of balance, it can cause anger and ulcers.



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