Causes of Muffin Top

 The average thirty old female that leads a fairly active lifestyle You Can’t Hate Yourself Thin Review (fairly active being going to work, walking the dog, completing household chores) would require 1500 calories per day. In order to lose just one pound of fat the human body must dispose of 3,500 calories to rid of that one pound of fat. Before you become quickly discouraged, realize that when an individual aims to lose twenty pounds those pounds will not all be pounds of fat as some will be water weight and water weight loss is very simple and comes off quickly.

Continuing on your math journey for weight loss, the key to success is to expend more calories each day than you would consume to lose any weight. If you need to take in 1500 calories to maintain the current weight you are at then you would need to decrease that number by a few hundred each day to lose the pounds. By only consuming 1100 calories per day you would be taking 2800 calories per week away from your body which would be a step in the right direction. 

If you engage in exercise each week of jogging just three times per week for one hour you would lose an additional 1500 calories on top of your 2800 that you took away from your daily diet, equally a total calorie loss for each at around 4300 calories per week. Those 4300 calories would be a few pounds in the form of two for water weight and one pound of fat each week which is right where you want to be to lose your twenty pounds in the six week allotted time period.


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