The Eyes Have It - Protect Yours With Zeaxanthin

 Contact lens materials are divided into two groups often according Vision 20/20 Protocol Ebook Review to the type of lens, the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic. The materials that contain more than 10% water by weight referred to as hydrophilic. The hydrophobic are the lenses with less than 10% water by weight. A few example of hydrophilic materials are abafilcon A, alphabilcon A, etafilcon A, and almost 80 more materials. Some of the hydrophobic materials are amefocon A, cabufocon A, dimefocon A and again about 80 more in this category.

With constant research going on to manufacture contact lenses that can do more, help the eyes more, and even be safer to the wearer, this list of materials could easily change again.Prototypes of contact lenses exist since Leonardo da Vinci's 1508 Codex of the Eye, however the first time that such a devise was proposed to correct vision was in 1636 when René Descartes proposed a liquid-filled glass tube shaped to correct vision, however, this model was not practical for use since it prevented blinking. In 1801, Thomas Young constructed a devise that was not intended to correct vision but it was rather a learning devise for eye accommodation mechanisms, this devise is considered a precursor of contacts.

In 1845, Sir John Herschel proposed two ideas for vision correction, one of them being to form a mold of the cornea impressed onto a transparent medium, but it wasn't until 1887 when F.E. Muller, a glassblower from Germany, produced the first see-through and tolerated eye covering, and in 1888, Adolf Eugen Fick, a physiologist from the same country, began successfully fitting contact lenses in rabbits, himself, and later on in volunteers. These early contact lenses where 18-21mm in diameter, made of blown glass and the space between the eye and the glass had to be filled with a dextrose solution. Because of the size and weight of the lens, they could only be worn sparingly.


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