How to Prevent Ageing of the Face

Ingrown hairs are a headache for both men and women. Men who shave Herpes Clear Review  their beards daily can attest to the fact that ingrown hairs are something that anyone would gladly do without. Not only are they unsightly, but they are painful and can cause bleeding and scarring if shaved over.

Ingrown hairs are also called razor bumps. The medical term is Pseudofolliculitis barbae. While they can occur in any part of the body, they are more common in areas that are shaved on a regular basis such as the face, the legs and the bikini area.

Razor bumps occur when a hair that was previously shaved begins to grow again. It then curls inwards and pierces the skin puncturing it. This area then becomes inflamed, turning red in color if you are Caucasian or darker if you have dark skin.


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