How Can I Cure My Sinus?

Grandmother's suggested treatment for sinus infection always works Pandemic Survival Review  as magic. The most adopted treatment is to take hot food and liquids that are rich in anti-oxidants. It includes tomatoes, spinach, berries, garlic, tea and chicken soup. Each nutritive intake acts as a booster for immune system and warms up the mucous membrane. Thus wash away the mucus from nose speedily.

The other treatment for sinus infection is the mixture of one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a full glass of water. Gulp this mixture for thrice a day. If you do not like its taste, then opt another method. Open apple cider vinegar bottle and breath the coming vapors.

Warm the clogged areas with the help of hot water bottle, infrared lamp and hair drier's air. Also, a sinus person can inhale steam through hot water or vaporizer.


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