The Host of Heaven Shall Fall Down

People with knowledge of the spiritual truth have the divine wisdom, power Thought Manifestation Review and faith to see and think through worldly lies and deception. They have the ability to recognize the wolves in sheep's clothing, i.e. lies disguised as the truth.

They hear things others can't hear, see things others can't see and understand things about God and life that others can't understand. Even though a degree is pretty much mandatory for a job in the world, the degree cannot fulfill everything your heart desires. But, the wisdom from the knowledge of the spiritual truth will make all your dreams come true, dreams that you don't have the faith to imagine in your present mindset.

Greg Tharpe is one of the world's leading authorities on spirituality, spiritual growth, higher consciousness and awareness and human potential. He is the author of the book: The Godsend - How to Create Heaven in Your Life.


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