Soul Colors and Soul Rays of Incarnation

David, however, goes to God confidently - without the worry Thought Manifestation Review
 of how the deliverance will actually take place.Leaving "It" With God So, we come back again to that thing that plagues pretty much all of us. We must leave our stuff with God.

And this is pure and simple trust. It is the will of the mind to decide to trust, and for this decision to have its way with us, especially as we now create new mental pathways - new frontiers of thinking and dealing with life.

Since I was young I remember being force to go to church, and having to pray. This might have not been the healthiest introduction that a child can have to religion but it was what it was. Many of the elders around me seemed to be obsessed with the bible, and listened to a religious radio show for what it seems like now fourteen hours every day.


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