Sins And Virtues Explained

 If you could hear light, what would it sound like? If you could smell Ultra Manifestation Review light what would it smell like to you? If you could drink light, what would its taste be like? If you just visualise light it can be quite a static operation. I visualise light as a dynamic, white fire! After all the world was created through the agency of light!

No doubt we all prefer some senses to another. Some might enjoy tuning in and identifying with the sound of light. Others will use one of the other senses. It is difficult to be aware of all senses at the same time but already when you use two or three of your senses when sending light, you are undoubtedly having more of an impact.

There is a verse in the Bible that says "all things are possible to him who believes." Let's be realistic, we know that all things are not humanly possible i.e. the human body has its limitations.


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