Sanctification - A Spiritual Reality

What kind of prayers work best? Those prayers that do not direct Manifestation Code System Review God to a specific course of action. The more we let go of the desired outcome, the more effective our prayers become. It may be that our ego needs to see results and receive recognition for having something turn out like we planned, but when ego is out of the picture and a sincere open-ended prayer is made, you can be assured that the prayer is going to be answered.
 However, when you are not attached to the outcome or trying to dictate how God was supposed to respond, you may not realize when or how the prayer has been answered. Sometimes, all you need to pray is "Help!" The simplest, yet most effective prayer I've learned to pray is: "I send love and light to you. May you experience God's highest and best in this situation." This prayer is in line with the prayer Jesus taught his disciples: "God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
In a place of solitude, a man sits down and adjusts the shawl around his shoulders. He closes his eyes and begins to meditate. Going deeper into some still, quiet place within himself, he begins to chant or intonate in mystical, rhythmic tones. Any onlooker would perceive the man to be asleep or crazy as he offers incantations to his God with a strange utterance of sounds.


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