I Want to Remember This Time

You must study and believe the word of God without questioning, doubting, or Ultra Manifestation Review being cynical. Look at yourself and around you. God is real. It is a matter of belief; not sight; of faith; not reasoning; of prayer; not research. As St Paul said " His grace is enough for us." God remains the same yesterday, today and forever. As long as we can come to Him in prayers, with an open, meek and repentant heart. He is ready and ever willing to answer our prayers.
 Eleanor Roovelt rightly noted " The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dream." If you sincerely wish to transform your life from rejection to celebration,why not strive hard to make it. All your good dreams and visions shall come to pass through sincere hard work. Dr Henry Thomas says," Great men and women keep their sight high, they think ahead; followers devote their thinking to routine task." Yet, the worsted in the human vocation are the idle brains and minds which utterly become the devil workshop.
Alway acknowledge God in all your ways and He will direct your path in the right way. The lives of many successful men and women bear testimony to this truth. Approach all your dreams in life with seriousness and sincerity:- avoid evil ways of achieving success; shun bad ways and forswear evil; don't let your eyes depart from your Godly vision and calling.


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