Fibromyalgia - 3 Common Sleeping Disorders - Part 1

I'm sure you're wondering what in the world cleaning your Resurge Review
 garage could have to do with your ability to double your income. The truth of the matter is that you could take any goal in your life and use it as a model to learn how to double your income. Cleaning your garage is a great example because it is a concrete goal that you can construct and easily measure your results.

Other goals are just as important that could lead you down the road to double your income, too. Sometimes, the main goal is to spend more time with a loved one or to change negative thought patterns. The problem with some of these goals is that they are too abstract. If you take on abstract goals, you'll get vague responses.

So you want to spend more time with your family? I want you to set a goal with an exact date. I want to spend more time with my family has too many holes. Who, where, what, and when? Try this: I will go to the zoo with my daughter this Saturday. This is my idea of an effectively stated goal.


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