Diabetes Home Remedies - Cure From Home

Foods to be drastically reduced Not all foods need to be reduced GlucoShield Review drastically. But white sugar and white flour are two items that should be done away with if possible. Another food item to reduce drastically is fatty butter and the one to be totally avoided is soft drinks. Avoiding these will not only control blood sugar but also blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and thereby reduces risks that occur due to diabetes. Sugar does not mean white sugar alone but honey, jaggery, jam, jelly, juice, chocolates, pie, syrup, artificial sweeteners, cream, cookies, and cake as well.
Other foods to avoid Use baked or steamed food and vegetables instead of fried ones. Foods with sodium contents like soy sauce, brine, and MSG, and so also the salad dressing, cheese etc., needs to be avoided.
Refined Flours and processed foods Refined flours, white bread, all purpose flour, pretzels, pizza, puffs and processed foods are all bad for a diabetic.Fruits and Starchy Vegetables Fruits like mango, grapes, apple, strawberry, and prunes have to be avoided. Fruit juice can enhance the sugar level greatly. Similarly starchy vegetables like potatoes, parsnips and squash needs to be avoided. One should go easy with carrots, beans, peas, as well as beet.


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