Causes and Effects of Sleep Apnea

Most people will develop some sort of sleeping problem Resurge Review  at some stage in their lives. It can often be due to events that are occurring at the time such as marriage, divorce, job/career problems, moving house etc.But some problems that affect sleep are chronic and may appear quickly or have been with you your entire life.
It can be very frustrating trying to get rid of a sleeping disorder. Sometimes diagnosing the problem itself can be challenging since it cannot simply be 'shown' to a doctor.Determine the Root One of the first steps you need to take when trying to cure your sleep problem is to determine the source of the problem itself.
Deterring the root of the problem isn't as simple as it sounds as there are so many factors to consider Sleep Apnea is a common sleeping disorder which involves small pauses of breathing whilst sleeping. Pauses can last between a few seconds to a few minutes. Often the breathing pauses occur between 5 to 30 times per hour, usually followed by normal breathing again or snoring.


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