What Type of Diabetes Diet to Follow

Protein Sources: Diabetics can obtain protein from different Marine D3 Review  sources. The best protein choices for diabetics are fish and poultry. Occasionally diabetics are allowed to take meat. Soy is also a good choice as it helps to uphold the healthy heart. The diabetics should take greatest care to stay away from heart related complications.
Carbohydrates Diabetics should limit the consumption of carbohydrates from 40 to 60 percent. The best carbohydrate sources are fruits, beans, vegetables and whole grains. There are various ways of counting carbohydrate content of the food a person eats.Fats: Diabetics must consume some fats as well. Better fat choices are canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil, and avocado. These unsaturated fats should constitute 25 % to 35 % of their daily caloric requirements. Best choices are fish oil and flex seed oil.
Wine Plenty of alcohol is bad for any one including diabetics; however wine is a good source of antioxidants. A glass of wine can be taken on the daily basis by diabetics but not more than this.Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? Are you afraid of the side effects of the medicines? If your answer is yes then this article would be worth reading. Treatment for diabetes is not only possible with the help of medicines as diet plays an integral part in controlling diabetes and achieving normal range blood sugar levels.


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