Understanding Bacterial Vaginosis Causes

If the spots do not disappear within a week, you should seek The Menopause Myth Review some medical attention for the Skin Yeast Infection, as there could be an underlying condition that is not at all related to a yeast infection. Your doctor is there to help you, do not be afraid to contact them, especially if you are not sure if you have an infection or illness. It is their job to guide you in the right direction.
Many women, regardless of their age, may experience a painful, but treatable yeast infection once in their lifetime. A few of the signs of yeast infection may include, but are not limited to, burning when urinating, itching, or pain during intimate relations. Although it may be painful, a yeast infection can easily be treated by your doctor or at home, depending on your situation.
Yeast in a women's body is similar to what you use when making bread. The yeast has to have something that activates it in order for it to grow so that the bread can rise. It works the same way in your body. Sometimes, the yeast grows by taking an antibiotic for another problem. It can also grow when you are pregnant, due to high levels of progesterone.


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