What is the Absolute Best Way to Burn Fat?

We often eat sugars, either literally sugar or in the form of  KouTea Review simple carbohydrates like breads and pastas, because they make us feel better-at least temporarily. That sugar high feels good, but is short-lived. What follows is feeling bad...chemically we feel bad AND we feel bad because we "failed" our diet or we were "weak" and gave in to food...maybe even feeling like we have no choice...that we have no control...we will always be fat.
Rather than indicating we are destined to become fat or alcoholic adults, could this teach us to better deal with depressive symptoms early on and treat them seriously, as a genetic challenge rather than an emotional or mental shortcoming?This may be a chicken or the egg type of question...does the preference for sweets indicate an inclination towards obesity, alcoholism, and/or depressive symptoms...or does a genetic predisposition towards obesity, alcoholism and or depression result in a preference for sweets.
Either way, what that means for us is that we must stop beating ourselves up for liking things that taste sweet! This preference does not mean we are doomed to be fat any more than it is predetermined we will become alcoholics. It may mean that we deserve to be a bit more on guard about the quantities of sugar that we consume...presumably we would have a greater capacity for sweets than others. It also indicates that we should do whatever we can to reduce the cravings for sugars that we naturally have.


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