Overweight? The Glycemic Index Can Help

 With a pregnancy, physicians will usually order a glucose Blood Balance Formula Review  tolerance test at a certain stage during the pregnancy and this will help to determine whether you are experiencing gestational diabetes or not; however, even though the initial test may come back negative does not mean that you cannot develop gestational diabetes at a later stage of the pregnancy. Usually, gestational diabetes shows no symptoms and is found through the glucose tolerance test. If symptoms are noticeable, they are mild.
Symptoms - Typical symptoms and signs of diabetes, whether gestational or not, are: constant thirst, excessive urination, fatigue, blurred vision, constant infections of the bladder, vagina and skin, blurred vision, and weight loss (even though you have an increased appetite). These are just a few of the basic symptoms and signs of diabetes as each person may experience different signs and symptoms.
Weight loss happens when the body does not receive sugar (energy) through food consumption (usually resulting in hyperglycemia) and then the body begins to burn stored sugar (fat) for energy. When this happens, your blood sugar levels are usually high and in some cases, extremely high and needs attention as soon as possible before the onset on ketoacidosis and possible diabetic coma.


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