Natural Remedies For Vaginal Odor - How to Get Rid of Your Odor in 3 Easy Steps

I've been so fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with The Menopause Myth Review  many women about POP over the past year. It amazes me every day just how few women are familiar with pelvic organ prolapse and how often women that have heard of POP are misinformed. So much still needs to be done to create a realistic awareness pocket. POP is not an American women's health issue, it is a global women's health issue.
 Although statistics indicate that this health issue is more common in the 50+ category, I speak with too many women in their 20s, 30s and 40s to believe this is a health issue that occurs in mature women only. We need to change the awareness curve so that ALL women become familiar with the symptoms of POP at a much younger age; this will increase detection of pelvic organ prolapse and women who recognize signs can seek earlier, less aggressive treatment.
I utilize every tool I have access to in my quest to help women recognize and become familiar with POP, trying to create much needed awareness about pelvic organ prolapse, a health issue that few women recognize and often those that do have no idea what their treatment options are.


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