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In the case of #1, the typical cause is a herniated disc that  Nerve Align Review squeezes out and touches on a nerve root leading to inflammation and pain. It could be simply pain, or the person may also have numbness, tingling, and/or muscle weakness. The symptoms will typically correspond to the particular nerve root that is being compressed by the disk herniation (pinched nerve). For instance, if a disc herniation is pressing on the fifth lumbar nerve root (L5), that patient may end up with a foot drop, which is a weakened ability to lift up the foot (dorsiflex), along with numbness and pain going down the back of the leg into the side of the foot.
Even though the pain is a result of a pinched nerve at L5, the term sciatica is commonly used to describe the painful symptoms since L5 comprises part of the sciatic nerve. It just sounds better than "L5ica".Sciatica may also be occurring from a compression of the nerve after the nerve roots combine, as in #2. This can be from a tumor, scar tissue, a tendon, basically anything that is compressing the sciatic nerve enough to cause the symptoms of pain and numbness or the signs of weakness.
An intrinsic problem of the sciatic nerve resulting in sciatica refers to a problem inside the nerve that is not a result of compression. Think of diabetic neuropathy where nerves are being injured on the inside as a result of complications of diabetes. This is a difficult problem since fixing the problem is not as easy as removing a compressive element.


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