Buddhism and Network Marketing - The First Jewel, 'Buddha'

Martha also talked to us about moving our bodies in Dream Life Mastery Review  whatever ways appeal to us so as to "become a clear passage for energy" . In this way we clear energy blocks in various parts of our bodies and let go of stuff.Energy can actually be cleared very quickly if we allow it to and catalyze the movement with yoga, stretching, dancing, hiking, or whatever else appeals.
 Martha says: "Clean pain lasts only 90 seconds". "Clean pain" refers to emotional pain that is the result of our direct experience of an event. "Dirty pain", on the other hand, is the translation of the event that our mind does later on...the meaning it attaches to it. That can go on for years if we let it. My counsellor and group facilitator in Toronto in the '80's, Skip Perryman, said basically the same thing to us at that time. She called it "true pain".
As you know I move my body by attending a dance/movement class several times per week. We work with our energy spirals, left and right brain balancing, and even our physical balance. Zeta always reminds us that our DNA is made up of spirals.I also walk, and have recently acquired (for free!) a lovely used Raleigh bike with a 'girls' bar...just what I wanted! I'm considering taking one yoga class a week as I've had the urge to go back to yoga for several months now.So whatever you can do to keep your energy moving, please do it. Think of it as refreshing yourself body, mind and spirit.


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