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A high crisis situation, a death in the family, stressful deadlines at The Memory Hack Review  work or at school, problems within a relationship or between children and parents; all of these situations have the ability to create stress and tension, resulting in the inability for the adrenal glands to produce their hormones needed to deal with the elevated stress levels within the body. No one is exempt from adrenal dysfunction; therefore, anyone can suffer from this issue.
 Adrenal Fatigue has a list of common symptoms associated with the adrenal gland inability to properly produce enough hormones. These symptoms include Loss of Stamina, extreme fatigue, insomnia, prolonger exhaustion, weight gain or weight loss, dizziness or feeling light-headed, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, decrease sex drive, inability to heal properly from common infections such as a head cold, the flu, bronchial infections, and other respiratory illnesses; increased anxiety, depression, the desire to eat foods higher in sugar, or caffeine, the inability to concentrate, cloudy short term memory, and depression. While this list of symptoms is not all-inclusive, these are the most notable and common indications of Adrenal Fatigue.
 One should make an appointment with their physician if they suffer from three or more of these symptoms and discuss the prospect of this issue.Adrenal Fatigue is treatable. Visit with your doctor about treatment options and what is available and suitable for you and your specific condition.Because sighs are a natural form of deep breathing. We sigh to reduce our levels of tension caused by some stressor.


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