A Universal Success Recipe

Let's face it if someone can overcome the adversity Subliminal Tracks Review  of illness, well they can do just about anything. In fact, an illness is not the only type of personal adversity people face, there are many types, but when the going gets tough, the tough get going. When you see a tough person, you can bet that they have been through hell to get there and they can probably go through hell again if it shows it's face. That is why I always bet on character.
Let's face it college is tough enough without dull classes of professors whose voice and pitch is clearly monotone. Not fast, not slow, no emotion and nowhere to go; there you are for hours in a pre-requisite class that you had to pay for and buy the book.Where else, what other nation may I ask that you have to pay for your own torture? It's just not fair, yet, to graduate it is something you must bare and in all this the instructor could change, but he has tenure and doesn't care.
The only way to combat such a dilemma is to take careful notes and search his words for meaning, trivia or when his voice gets even the least bit animated, realize this is an important point, something he finds of interest and thus, it will surely be on the test. You must never confront an instructor and tell them that their class sucks, not until you have completed your degree; even then why bother, success in life is the best revenge.


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