Joint Knee Pain

The process ends with a mental vacation, a place Projoint Plus Review  where the listener has the time to relax and enjoy the present moment totally free of pain. Dr. Porter encourages the listener to get used to this feeling. Listeners are learning to activate their mental pharmacy, which he says is an important step in living a totally pain-free life.
Dr. Porter has been working with the creative visualization and relaxation process for over twenty years, helping people to change their minds in order to change their lives. His pain-free program is designed to supplement the care and recommendations of a medical doctor. He stresses that listeners should never discontinue prescription use without first consulting their medical doctor.
Sandra Marlowe is a writer for PorterVision. PorterVision offers creative visualization and relaxation programs designed for self-improvement. Dr. Patrick Porter has authored several books on the subject of using the power of your mind to improve your life, including the award winning "Awaken the Genius, Mind Technology for the 21st Century" and his newest book "Thrive in Overdrive: How to Navigate Your Overloaded Lifestyle." Dr. Porter has been helping people overcome personal obstacles and reach their goals for over twenty years.


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