Diabetes and Dehydration

This study shows Type 2 diabetics actually can lose Nucentix GS-85 Review  weight eating the "wrong" foods if they just exercise and do not eat too much. But the volunteers who ate the high-glycemic index diet found that to be a lot harder to do. Dr. Kelly looked for the underlying reason why.
There is something about eating foods that are low on the glycemic index that reduces secretion of the hormone GLP-1, also known as glucagon-like peptide-1. This is the hormone the small intestine secretes when there's digested food inside. It signals the pancreas to release insulin to transport sugar and store fat. It also tells your stomach that its work is done and you are ready for more.
Because the volunteers in both groups limited the amount of food they ate, they did not have high blood sugars and they also lost weight. But the people in the high-glycemic index group made more GLP-1. Their stomachs got the signal, "OK, fill me up again," and it was especially strong in the morning. This study tells us that if you don't want to wake up hungry and stay hungry all day, eat vegetables, low-glycemic index fruits, and protein foods.


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