Can You Actually Shrink the Size of Your Stomach?

With a certain amount of belly fat a health risk is Flora Spring Review  concerned rather then weight gained in other areas of the body. Men usually gain most of their weight in the torso area. The fat is used for the body when it does not get enough food. The body is made to store and break down fat when needed.
When you put on the weight and do not do anything to burn it off. It releases fat molecules into the blood at a higher speed. This causes problems with the metabolism and the way the blood uses insulin. The risk of having health conditions increases, when too much belly fat is accumulated.
You can tell if you have too much belly fat by the size of your clothing. Menopause can also be a factor in belly fat. Belly fat can come from aging, eating too much, side effects of certain medications, heredity and from some health conditions. After menopause some women notice the extra belly pooch. Fortunately there are methods that help with the fight of losing and maintaining abdominal fat. The older you get the slower your metabolism becomes.


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