Sleep Disorders Information

Do you get out of bed every morning, not Sleep Wave Review  feeling refreshed in the least? While many people believe that they may be suffering from insomnia, sleep apnea is another disorder that can disrupt your rest. Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing is obstructed as you sleep, causing them to stop breathing up to hundreds of times throughout the night.
There are several things that can increase your risk for sleep apnea. Typically, the rate of breathing problems are higher in men than with women. Also, being overweight or over forty, as well as having large tonsils, a wide neck, and a family history of sleeping problems can increase your risk for developing this disorder.
It can be difficult for people to realize that they have this ailment because, of course, it strikes as you are sleeping. However, the following symptoms can indicate the presence of sleep apnea While these may not seem like serious problems, sleep apnea can lead to several dangerous health issues such as stroke, heart problems, and hypertension.
 Therefore, if you think you have this disorder, you should talk to your doctor about getting a sleep study or polysomnogram to record your sleeping patterns. You will probably have to spend a night in the hospital or sleep center so that doctors and sleep specialists can connect their diagnostic tools to you for the test. They might use brain sensors, EKG equipment, muscle twitch detectors, or eye movement recorders, among others.


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