Poor Souls Prayers: How They Help Get the Poor Souls to Heaven Faster

Take the fear of death for example. If you were Manifestation Code System Review  brought up under the influence of most western religions then there is probably quite a lot of fear and misunderstandings around this concept. Even if we would like to think of ourselves as brave, there is still, most likely, a little uneasy feeling concerning the idea of death and the unknown which is of course normal, but I use the term 'normal' loosely. Yes it's normal given that you were basically taught to fear death from a young age.
However, it is not normal in the sense that we have taken a perfectly natural event, as natural as being born for that matter, and turned it into something we think of as unnatural that should be avoided at all costs. In fact what meaning would life have if it were not for death. We would not be able to even understand what life was if we had nothing to contrast it with. Besides, nobody in their right mind would actually want to live forever, despite the fact we may think it would be great at times.
This truly would be an unimaginably torturous existence that would probably have us begging for it to end but for some reason we trick ourselves into wanting something that does not make any sense. As humans, we always imagine that the 'grass is greener on the other side', we know that we are going to die so obviously the alternative, and having more 'control', looks better to us.
However in reality, the only reason that life can be enjoyable is that there is a 'time' frame that motivates us to try new things, without that illusion of time it would be meaningless to do anything if you had infinity to get it done. We also conveniently forget that we 'die' more or less every night when we go to bed. We are not conscious of our surroundings, have almost no recollection of our past, and cannot communicate with the 'living' very well at all while asleep.


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