Lives Are Filled With Choices

The answer almost always begins with the  Full Chakra Reset Program Review  suggestion that one start a meditation practice.  Take some time each day to sit quietly and give yourself the opportunity to feel the connection.  This means try to not have any judgments around what happens.  Don't give up if it doesn't go the way you hoped it would.  Meditation and living a life connected to Source is a practice.  To me it is unlike anything else we do in our lives.  It isn't about achieving anything; it is about living in a certain way.
You can also know your connection to Source by noticing the beauty and mystery of nature.  Think about the changing seasons, the blooming of a flower or the creation of the vegetables that we eat.   I often take walks and this gives me the opportunity to be in awe of the Creator.  It is a walking meditation for me.
As you move through your day and interact with people, look for the best that is in them.  See them as embodying Source just as you do.  Feel your heart open when you do this.Your connection is always there.  Relax and move in the loving flow of Source.  Trust, believe and know that there is nothing outside of you that you need to reach for.  You are whole and Source is within you.
I see a vision of you, of me... an image of infinite potential; one tantamount to dreaming, but a vision issued in resplendent truth and light--a blazing reality; something beyond compare. There's lots of blessing ahead for you; you'll love life and live it full of hope. You just wait and see.For this vision is a vision of you in this world; imperfect sure, but a world set up for you, custom and purpose made, supplied for your every necessary convenience--even those you'd not expect serviced.


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