Paranoid Personality Disorder Treatment

As one example, I employed art therapy in an early session Memory Protocol Ebook Review  with a woman who had just left a marriage in which she endured years of emotional and eventually physical abuse. I asked her to draw how she was experiencing herself in her life. She drew a huge mountain in the distance and a large field in the foreground with a tiny stick figure within it, facing the mountain. She identified herself as that small figure.
She said her goal was to reach the top of the mountain. This image represented for her the daunting task of achieving recovery from trauma and regaining her life and her self esteem. The mountain image set her course and became the metaphor to which she returned on occasion as a way to express her progress. After some months of treatment she made a drawing showing the small figure getting closer to the mountain. Eventually she created a drawing in which she placed herself on the mountain, climbing it. By the end of our work together, she happily drew herself perched on the summit.
The metaphor became literal for this particular client who, over the course of treatment, began to realize that hiking and backpacking were things she really longed to try, but never could pursue during her restrictive and abusive marriage. So she started taking hikes and backpacking trips and ended up finding her passion. When she reflected back on her initial drawing, done at the height of her trauma, she was stunned and humbled to realize that, from the depths of her unconscious, she had mined such a knowing and self-healing image.
In this day and age we know quite a bit about depression and have various methods currently available to combat it. However, it remains a serious mental condition that should not be neglected and while the methods available do help some there is still much work that needs to be done.In fact, it affects millions of people around the globe. Researchers are continuing their quest to delve deeper into the causes and state of depression with hopes to find additional ways of fighting or eliminating it altogether.Those diagnosed with clinical depression know first hand how serious of a mental condition it is...


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