Bird Flu in America by Patsy Hamilton

Administration of Gc-MAF has been shown to reverse early  Medipure Hemp Cbd Review  stage cancers, to inhibit cancers from creating their own blood supply. (4) This study was done on chicks, but shows potential for more research here for using this to decrease cancer's ability to grow and survive. Gc-MAF use is not approved by the FDA at this time.The precursor to Gc-MAF known as Gc-globulin can be decreased in situations such as trauma. (3) Thus showing that trauma can have an effect of lowering our immune function.
What can we do about it?Gc-MAF is Vitamin D dependent, so it is often necessary to supplement with vitamin D for the optimal functioning of this protein. Therefore, vitamin D may be a necessary supplement for all people with a viral infection.In working with viruses we should consider the use of herbs and supplements that activate macrophages, which will help our immune system fight the virus.
Herbs such as goldenseal and Oregon grape contain a component called berberine. Berberines have been shown in research to activate macrophages, which is likely part of the mechanism behind why these herbs work well for viral infections.In addition, many species of mushrooms have been shown to activate macrophages. Research directly looks at maitake and agaricus for their macrophage activating response. (6) In addition, the cell walls of fungus have a component of beta glucans, which enhance the function of macrophages showing a likelihood of mushrooms such as shitake, reishi, maitake and oyster having benefits in viral infections by their positive effects on the immune system.
The Chinese herb, Ku Shen (Sophora Root) also shows some promising antiviral effects in studies with hepatitis and coxsackie viruses. (8)Essential oils are also a consideration as they have been shown to have antiviral activity. Oils such as thyme, basil, melaleuca, and melissa (9). In addition, boswellic acids (found in frankincense) have been shown to increase macrophage activity.


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