Diabetes and Children - Has Your Child Been Misdiagnosed?

Type I diabetes is where the patients have to take a regular daily dosage Blood sugar formula Review  of insulin to control their blood sugar levels. The type II diabetes is a condition where insulin production is there but the body is unable to make use of this insulin and utilise it in bringing down the blood sugar levels. Hence for Type II Diabetes drugs are prescribed which help in sensitizing the cells.
One way to handle this problem is to combine medication with a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise. This will help reduces the severe consequences of the disease. Diabetics should also keep in mind that their weight should be in control and this can be achieved only with regular exercise. It is known that obesity and diabetes go hand and hand so to combat one the other has to be dealt with. All said and done the key to keep Diabetes at bay and in control lies in our own hands.
Technology has taken over our life and today we have a machine or a gadget to do every small little work. However, it has also made us sedentary and hence given rise to a number of diseases. The sedentary lifestyle has been one major cause for the disease called as Diabetes.Today Diabetes is no longer a disease which is seen only in adults but children too have been caught up in the pangs of diabetes. Diabetes is a condition where there is an elevation seen in the blood glucose levels. When the increase is excess the sugar is also excreted in the urine.
Glucose is an important component and is required by the cells in the body for their normal functioning. Everything in its normal limits is fine but when the limit exceeds it can pronounce trouble and the same is with the glucose. The blood glucose is maintained by the hormone Insulin. Insulin is produced by the beta cells in the pancreas and is responsible for regulating and controlling the blood sugar level.


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