Limitations Cause Delays in Achievements

The world was designed to be a place of beauty and tranquility. It was created Duality Review  with the objective that all people would abide by the laws and practices of the Creator. In other words, the intent of the content would be an outcome of living in a vibration of peace. We ask you, are you doing your part to make the world a place where you can feel personally blessed? All we want is for you to understand that you are always looked at as someone who makes a difference. So, make sure you make a difference in your own life and trust the wisdom that is given to you.

As long as you are doing that, then the resurrection of all things that portend goodness, love and Light is built. Brick upon brick, one piece at a time, you can conquer the infinite power of serenity. It will then become the paragon of joy and a world filled with the beauty that every persons soul houses. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.It is important that we maximize the potential God has invested in us. There are so many great things one can accomplish in life once that power within is recognized and developed. One of our top goals we should have on our focus list this year is, "to maximize our potential by pursuing the call of God upon our life. "Make a commitment to discover you're potential, perfect it, and manifest it."

Let's take a look at the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. (14) "For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. (15) And to one he gave five talents, another two, to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey". What talents and gifts have the Lord given you? And what are you doing with them? Each of us has at least one talent from the Lord, and some two and three. Are you using them in the kingdom of God?

In order to maximize your potential it is important to find a place to start using what you have. For example, say that you have a gift of workings with children but you are not exercising it because you're waiting on God to give you the director's position. However, you can use what you have and help a neighbor out as a sitter or working in the church nursery when the need arises. This will allow God to perfect the gifting within and help you to discover your weaknesses and strengths. During this process of operating in your area you will have the opportunity to focus specifically in prayer and sharpening those gifting.


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