It promotes elastin and collagen production and stimulates metabolism.  Hydrolift Review Mesotherapy is an excellent alternative to anti-ageing regimens such as Botox, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, facelifts and topical creams. Being a rejuvenating treatment, it works well in tightening and toning sagging skin especially on your neck, abdomen, arms, hands and legs. In fact, it can be safely performed at any phase of your life.

If you want your fat and fine lines to disappear, opt for Mesotherapy in Londondone by Dr Anil Budh-Raja. Besides anti-ageing, there ae several conditions that can be treated with Mesotherapy. When the procedure is performed for skin rejuvenation, it is called Mesolift. The targeted areas include your face, neck, thighs and arms. Facial mesotherapy helps treat wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin.

 The numbers of sessions vary according to the individual's skin condition. Moreover, its effects are long-lasting. The procedure is used in fat reduction especially localised fat such as double chin, flabby arms, belly fat etc. The injections break down the fatty cell walls and fat gets flushed down as waste. Cellulite fat can also be reduced with mesotherapy. This subcutaneous fat is found below the skin surface around the thighs, buttocks and hips. Spot reduction is another condition treated with mesotherapy. This targets all the fat pockets especially love handles and double chin. Nowadays, it is also used for hair loss.

Before you go for your Mesotherapy in London, drink lots of water so that your body is well hydrated. Be away from caffeinated drinks at least for a couple of days prior to the treatment. Additionally, blood thinners should also be avoided for about two weeks before mesotherapy. Avoid alcoholic beverages and also quit smoking. Keep away from direct sunlight too for a few days. Creams and other cosmetics should not be applied on the treatment area when you go for the procedure. The treatment is customised and the medications may vary according to individual conditions. However, Dr Anil Budh-Raja uses Filorga products which are made in Paris and are considered the best.


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