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But did you know that going on holiday can throw your healthy eating Red Fortera Review  plan out of sync? Just imagine you grab a cheap holiday deal online flights, 5 star hotel, entertainment for you, your partner and your kids all thrown in. When you arrive in positive holiday mode, you check in, relax and the next morning you're faced with a restaurant aisle packed with options that are fit for a five course royal breakfast. I bet you can't resist, right? The same eating pattern again happens for lunch and dinner and as you're on holiday forget exercise, you've come to relax, so the best part of your day is probably spent walking to and from the beach in your flip flops and swimwear. Not everyone likes a lazy holiday but can you see how your heroic efforts to diet like crazy and lose weight is very easily scuppered by your holiday?

Cramming for exams, working ridiculously early or working late might not seem like habits that influence your weight too much, yet insufficient rest can really wreak havoc on your diet. Both lack of sleep and sleep apnea, combined with nightmares, restless nights can change the hormone levels in your body making you more likely to gain weight. Not only that, but it might also make you indulge in unhealthy cravings. Some diet studies even indicate that one extra hour of sleep might help you shed 14 pounds a year!

Whilst some people might lose their appetite when faced with challenging situations in their lives, the opposite thing can happen also, as many people might pay less attention to their dietary habits and succumb to emotional eating, that is eating to make you feel better. We all do it from time to time but emotional eating is a habit which many people aren't aware creeps up on them. Suddenly the odd bit of chocolate cake, or chocolate éclair becomes a regular eating binge, leading to sugar levels, glucose and insulin levels going haywire. Antidepressants can make matters a little worse as some can alter the metabolic rate, encouraging you to eat considerably more.

Diseases such as hyperthyroidism which regulates the metabolism and hormones, Cushing's syndrome or polycystic ovary syndrome can all make matters your weight loss efforts worse. Getting tested annually can really help you uncover some of the possible underlying issues that might explain why you are having trouble reaching your goals.


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