Health Conscious Eating

In Australia, where the resistant starch has been studied, the Division of Human   IGR Plus Review Nutrition, CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization - Australia's national scientific research organization) reports that "... intakes in the order of 20 grams per day of resistant starch may be needed to get some of the benefits of small connected "7.Resistant starch intakes vary greatly around the world. Nowadays most developed countries consume between 3.7 grams of resistant starch per day.

You should take about 70 per cent of your food in the form of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not stodgy or fattening, they are essential for fuel. During exercise, your muscles are fueled by glucose in the blood, and by glycogen, which is stored in your liver and muscles. Muscles normally contain enough glycogen to fuel between one and two hours of vigorous exercise. Carbohydrates are also nothing new, athletics and professional sports players have been loading up on carbs for years right before vigorous exercise.

Potatoes, rice and bread contain complex carbohydrate which releases its energy over a prolonged period and therefore decreases the likelihood of hunger pangs or crav­ings. You also get carbohydrates from fruit, vegetables, pulses and pasta.It's also important to mention, that durum wheat used to make pasta is hard and high in gluten, which many people cannot tolerate. If you suffer from irritable bowels or wheat intolerance, I suggest you eat less pasta and more potatoes and rice, with plenty of fruit.

The key to making sure you are eating a healthy diet is to make sure you get lots of carbohydrates in your diet, without sacrificing proteins and vitamins. That's why you will notice, that part of the diet includes lots of fruits as well as potatoes, both of which are rich in vitamins and important minerals your body needs to function. Also, it's important that you exercise; loading up on a ton of carbohydrates and then not exercising is not going to do you any good. In fact what will happen is you will actually gain weight if you don't exercise and your diet consists of a lot of carbohydrates. So with any healthy diet plan, it's important to exercise and keep active.There is some debate over organic food. Is it really that much better for you? Or is it just a ploy to get you to pay more for food just because it is labeled organic? Actually, there is truth in the fact that this type of food is much healthier for you and for the environment.


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